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Diet dr rosedale - fare dr rosedale

01-02-2017 à 13:13:34
Diet dr rosedale
As such, we have spent many years researching and refining our program to bring to you what we have determined is the most effective diet in slowing the aging process and enhancing cellular communication, thereby bringing you optimal health. A disease is never a disease of the individual part. Avoiding foods that will turn into sugar is a sure-fire way to improve the communication between your internal network of cells, where the root of all health begins. Why are we recommending a low starchy carbohydrate count. Heart disease, obesity and aging itself are directly affected, if not caused by the intake of excess sugar, whether its source is the best whole grain bread or a dish of your favorite ice cream. Eliminating sugar and eating fat is the quickest, easiest way to become a fat burner and thus, a healthier person. Carbohydrates are well known for being our prime energy food, yet burning sugar for energy is similar to heating your house in the winter with newspaper. Your body can only run on either sugar or fat. Diabetes is not a disease of blood sugar, osteoporosis is not a disease of calcium and heart disease is NOT a disease of cholesterol. Diabetes and heart disease is increasing at an alarming rate and a huge selection of ineffective and potentially harmful drugs are being prescribed at an all-time high.

A disease is caused not by the breakdown of the part itself, but interference in the instructions to that part, a disruption in the unity of the whole. Inside each one of us lies the proper information for perfect health and internal harmony, yet people are getting sicker. However, there is good news for your taste buds. They are everywhere, so avoiding them completely is impossible. We believe a diet of large quantities of carbohydrates and small amounts of essential fat is the root cause of many degenerative diseases affecting record numbers of Americans, and indeed people the world over. It works for us, and we are quite confident that it will work for you as well. The most effort you have is avoiding starches, that is, those foods which, when broken down to a cellular level (which is what your cells do) become nothing but basic sugar. Contrary to popular belief, there is no lower limit to the amount of sugar your body needs. With this nutritional program, it is indeed possible to reverse such debilitating ailments such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis and others. Therefore, we recommend a diet higher in the right kinds of fats, adequate protein and low in total carbohydrates.

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